Source code for goodvibes.GoodVibes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

#                                               #
#  Evaluation of quasi-harmonic thermochemistry from Gaussian.        #
#  Partion functions are evaluated from vibrational frequencies       #
#  and rotational temperatures from the standard output.              #
#  The rigid-rotor harmonic oscillator approximation is used as       #
#  standard for all frequencies above a cut-off value. Below this,    #
#  two treatments can be applied to entropic values:                  #
#    (a) low frequencies are shifted to the cut-off value (as per     #
#    Cramer-Truhlar)                                                  #
#    (b) a free-rotor approximation is applied below the cut-off (as  #
#    per Grimme). In this approach, a damping function interpolates   #
#    between the RRHO and free-rotor entropy treatment of Svib to     #
#    avoid a discontinuity.                                           #
#  Both approaches avoid infinitely large values of Svib as wave-     #
#  numbers tend to zero. With a cut-off set to 0, the results will be #
#  identical to standard values output by the Gaussian program.       #
#  Enthalpy values below the cutoff value are treated similarly to    #
#  Grimme's method (as per Head-Gordon) where below the cutoff value, #
#  a damping function is applied as the value approaches a value of   #
#  0.5RT, approprate for zeolitic systems                             #
#  The free energy can be evaluated for variable temperature,         #
#  concentration, vibrational scaling factor, and with a haptic       #
#  correction of the translational entropy in different solvents,     #
#  according to the amount of free space available.                   #
#  A potential energy surface may be evaluated for a given set of     #
#  structures or conformers, in which case a correction to the free-  #
#  energy due to multiple conformers is applied.                      #
#  Enantiomeric excess, diastereomeric ratios and ddG can also be     #
#  calculated to show preference of stereoisomers.                    #
#  Careful checks may be applied to compare variables between         #
#  multiple files such as Gaussian version, solvation models, levels  #
#  of theory, charge and multiplicity, potential duplicate structures #
#  errors in potentail linear molecules, correct or incorrect         #
#  transition states, and empirical dispersion models.                #

###########  Authors:     Rob Paton, Ignacio Funes-Ardoiz  ############
###########               Guilian Luchini, Juan V. Alegre- ############
###########               Requena, Yanfei Guan, Sibo Lin   ############
###########  Last modified:  August 8, 2022                ############

import math, os.path, sys, time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from glob import glob
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import numpy as np

# Importing regardless of relative import
    from .vib_scale_factors import scaling_data_dict, scaling_data_dict_mod, scaling_refs
    from .pes import *
    from .io import *
    from .thermo import *
    from vib_scale_factors import scaling_data_dict, scaling_data_dict_mod, scaling_refs
    from pes import *
    from io import *
    from thermo import *

    from pyDFTD3 import dftd3 as D3
        from dftd3 import dftd3 as D3

__version__ = "3.2"

SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS = set(('.out', '.log'))

# PHYSICAL CONSTANTS                                      UNITS
GAS_CONSTANT = 8.3144621  # J / K / mol
J_TO_AU = 4.184 * 627.509541 * 1000.0  # UNIT CONVERSION

# Some literature references
grimme_ref = "Grimme, S. Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 9955-9964"
truhlar_ref = "Ribeiro, R. F.; Marenich, A. V.; Cramer, C. J.; Truhlar, D. G. J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 14556-14562"
head_gordon_ref = "Li, Y.; Gomes, J.; Sharada, S. M.; Bell, A. T.; Head-Gordon, M. J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119, 1840-1850"
goodvibes_ref = ("Luchini, G.; Alegre-Requena, J. V.; Funes-Ardoiz, I.; Paton, R. S. F1000Research, 2020, 9, 291."
                 "\n   GoodVibes version " + __version__ + " DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.22758.1")
csd_ref = ("C. R. Groom, I. J. Bruno, M. P. Lightfoot and S. C. Ward, Acta Cryst. 2016, B72, 171-179"
           "\n   Cordero, B.; Gomez V.; Platero-Prats, A. E.; Reves, M.; Echeverria, J.; Cremades, E.; Barragan, F.; Alvarez, S. Dalton Trans. 2008, 2832-2838")
oniom_scale_ref = "Simon, L.; Paton, R. S. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 5412-5420"
d3_ref = "Grimme, S.; Atony, J.; Ehrlich S.; Krieg, H. J. Chem. Phys. 2010, 132, 154104"
d3bj_ref = "Grimme S.; Ehrlich, S.; Goerigk, L. J. Comput. Chem. 2011, 32, 1456-1465"
atm_ref = "Axilrod, B. M.; Teller, E. J. Chem. Phys. 1943, 11, 299 \n Muto, Y. Proc. Phys. Math. Soc. Jpn. 1944, 17, 629"

alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

[docs]def all_same(items): """Returns bool for checking if all items in a list are the same.""" return all(x == items[0] for x in items)
[docs]class Logger: """ Enables output to terminal and to text file. Writes GV output to .dat or .csv files. Attributes: csv (bool): decides if comma separated value file is written. log (file object): file to write GV output to. thermodata (bool): decides if string passed to logger is thermochemical data, needing to be separated by commas """ def __init__(self, filein, append, csv): self.csv = csv if not self.csv: suffix = 'dat' else: suffix = 'csv' self.log = open('{0}_{1}.{2}'.format(filein, append, suffix), 'w')
[docs] def write(self, message, thermodata=False): self.thermodata = thermodata print(message, end='') if self.csv and self.thermodata: items = message.split() message = ",".join(items) message = message + "," self.log.write(message)
[docs] def fatal(self, message): print(message + "\n") self.log.write(message + "\n") self.finalize() sys.exit(1)
[docs] def finalize(self): self.log.close()
[docs]def add_time(tm, cpu): """Calculate elapsed time.""" [days, hrs, mins, secs, msecs] = cpu fulldate = datetime(100, 1,, tm.hour, tm.minute, tm.second, tm.microsecond) fulldate = fulldate + timedelta(days=days, hours=hrs, minutes=mins, seconds=secs, microseconds=msecs * 1000) return fulldate
[docs]def get_selectivity(pattern, files, boltz_facs, boltz_sum, temperature, log, dup_list): """ Calculate selectivity as enantioselectivity/diastereomeric ratio. Parameters: pattern (str): pattern to recognize for selectivity calculation, i.e. "R":"S". files (str): files to use for selectivity calculation. boltz_facs (dict): dictionary of Boltzmann factors for each file used in the calculation. boltz_sum (float) temperature (float) Returns: float: enantiomeric/diasteriomeric ratio. str: pattern used to identify ratio. float: Gibbs free energy barrier. bool: flag for failed selectivity calculation. str: preferred enantiomer/diastereomer configuration. """ dirs = [] for file in files: dirs.append(os.path.dirname(file)) dirs = list(set(dirs)) a_files, b_files, a_sum, b_sum, failed, pref = [], [], 0.0, 0.0, False, '' [a_regex,b_regex] = pattern.split(':') [a_regex,b_regex] = [a_regex.strip(), b_regex.strip()] A = ''.join(a for a in a_regex if a.isalnum()) B = ''.join(b for b in b_regex if b.isalnum()) if len(dirs) > 1 or dirs[0] != '': for dir in dirs: a_files.extend(glob(dir+'/'+a_regex)) b_files.extend(glob(dir+'/'+b_regex)) else: a_files.extend(glob(a_regex)) b_files.extend(glob(b_regex)) if len(a_files) == 0 or len(b_files) == 0: log.write("\n Warning! Filenames have not been formatted correctly for determining selectivity\n") log.write(" Make sure the filename contains either " + A + " or " + B + "\n") sys.exit(" Please edit either your filenames or selectivity pattern argument and try again\n") # Grab Boltzmann sums for file in files: duplicate = False if len(dup_list) != 0: for dup in dup_list: if dup[0] == file: duplicate = True if duplicate == False: if file in a_files: a_sum += boltz_facs[file] / boltz_sum elif file in b_files: b_sum += boltz_facs[file] / boltz_sum # Get ratios A_round = round(a_sum * 100) B_round = round(b_sum * 100) r = str(A_round) + ':' + str(B_round) if a_sum > b_sum: pref = A try: ratio = a_sum / b_sum if ratio < 3: ratio = str(round(ratio, 1)) + ':1' else: ratio = str(round(ratio)) + ':1' except ZeroDivisionError: ratio = '1:0' else: pref = B try: ratio = b_sum / a_sum if ratio < 3: ratio = '1:' + str(round(ratio, 1)) else: ratio = '1:' + str(round(ratio)) except ZeroDivisionError: ratio = '0:1' ee = (a_sum - b_sum) * 100. if ee == 0: log.write("\n Warning! No files found for an enantioselectivity analysis, adjust the stereodetermining step name and try again.\n") failed = True ee = abs(ee) if ee > 99.99: ee = 99.99 try: dd_free_energy = GAS_CONSTANT / J_TO_AU * temperature * math.log((50 + abs(ee) / 2.0) / (50 - abs(ee) / 2.0)) * KCAL_TO_AU except ZeroDivisionError: dd_free_energy = 0.0 return ee, r, ratio, dd_free_energy, failed, pref
[docs]def get_boltz(files, thermo_data, clustering, clusters, temperature, dup_list): """ Obtain Boltzmann factors, Boltzmann sums, and weighted free energy values. Used for selectivity and boltzmann requested options. Parameters: files (list): list of files to find Boltzmann factors for. thermo_data (dict): dict of calc_bbe objects with thermodynamic data to use for Boltzmann averaging. clustering (bool): flag for file clustering clusters (list): definitions for the requested clusters temperature (float): temperature to compute Boltzmann populations at dup_list (list): list of potential duplicates Returns:boltz_facs, weighted_free_energy, boltz_sum dict: dictionary of files with corresponding Boltzmann factors. dict: dictionary of files with corresponding weighted Gibbs free energy. float: Boltzmann sum computed from Boltzmann factors and Gibbs free energy. """ boltz_facs, weighted_free_energy, e_rel, e_min, boltz_sum = {}, {}, {}, sys.float_info.max, 0.0 for file in files: # Need the most stable structure bbe = thermo_data[file] if hasattr(bbe, "qh_gibbs_free_energy"): if bbe.qh_gibbs_free_energy != None: if bbe.qh_gibbs_free_energy < e_min: e_min = bbe.qh_gibbs_free_energy if clustering: for n, cluster in enumerate(clusters): boltz_facs['cluster-' + alphabet[n].upper()] = 0.0 weighted_free_energy['cluster-' + alphabet[n].upper()] = 0.0 # Calculate E_rel and Boltzmann factors for file in files: duplicate = False if len(dup_list) != 0: for dup in dup_list: if dup[0] == file: duplicate = True if not duplicate: bbe = thermo_data[file] if hasattr(bbe, "qh_gibbs_free_energy"): if bbe.qh_gibbs_free_energy != None: e_rel[file] = bbe.qh_gibbs_free_energy - e_min boltz_facs[file] = math.exp(-e_rel[file] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / temperature) if clustering: for n, cluster in enumerate(clusters): for structure in cluster: if structure == file: boltz_facs['cluster-' + alphabet[n].upper()] += math.exp( -e_rel[file] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / temperature) weighted_free_energy['cluster-' + alphabet[n].upper()] += math.exp( -e_rel[file] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / temperature) * bbe.qh_gibbs_free_energy boltz_sum += math.exp(-e_rel[file] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / temperature) return boltz_facs, weighted_free_energy, boltz_sum
[docs]def check_dup(files, thermo_data): """ Check for duplicate species from among all files based on energy, rotational constants and frequencies Energy cutoff = 1 microHartree RMS Rotational Constant cutoff = 1kHz RMS Freq cutoff = 10 wavenumbers """ e_cutoff = 1e-4 ro_cutoff = 0.1 mae_freq_cutoff = 10 max_freq_cutoff = 10 dup_list = [] freq_diff, mae_freq_diff, max_freq_diff, e_diff, ro_diff = 100, 3, 10, 1, 1 for i, file in enumerate(files): for j in range(0, i): bbe_i, bbe_j = thermo_data[files[i]], thermo_data[files[j]] if hasattr(bbe_i, "scf_energy") and hasattr(bbe_j, "scf_energy"): e_diff = bbe_i.scf_energy - bbe_j.scf_energy if hasattr(bbe_i, "roconst") and hasattr(bbe_j, "roconst"): if len(bbe_i.roconst) == len(bbe_j.roconst): ro_diff = np.linalg.norm(np.array(bbe_i.roconst) - np.array(bbe_j.roconst)) if hasattr(bbe_i, "frequency_wn") and hasattr(bbe_j, "frequency_wn"): if len(bbe_i.frequency_wn) == len(bbe_j.frequency_wn) and len(bbe_i.frequency_wn) > 0: freq_diff = [np.linalg.norm(freqi - freqj) for freqi, freqj in zip(bbe_i.frequency_wn, bbe_j.frequency_wn)] mae_freq_diff, max_freq_diff = np.mean(freq_diff), np.max(freq_diff) elif len(bbe_i.frequency_wn) == len(bbe_j.frequency_wn) and len(bbe_i.frequency_wn) == 0: mae_freq_diff, max_freq_diff = 0., 0. if e_diff < e_cutoff and ro_diff < ro_cutoff and mae_freq_diff < mae_freq_cutoff and max_freq_diff < max_freq_cutoff: dup_list.append([files[i], files[j]]) return dup_list
[docs]def check_files(log, files, thermo_data, options, STARS, l_o_t, solvation_model, orientation, grid): """ Perform checks for consistency in calculation output files for computational projects Check for consistency in: Gaussian version, solvation state/gas phase, level of theory/basis set, charge and multiplicity, standard concentration, potential linear molecule errors, transition state verification, empirical dispersion models """ log.write("\n Checks for thermochemistry calculations (frequency calculations):") log.write("\n" + STARS) # Check program used and version version_check = [thermo_data[key].version_program for key in thermo_data] file_check = [thermo_data[key].file for key in thermo_data] if all_same(version_check) != False: log.write("\no Using {} in all calculations.".format(version_check[0])) else: print_check_fails(log, version_check, file_check, "programs or versions") # Check level of theory if all_same(l_o_t) is not False: log.write("\no Using {} in all calculations.".format(l_o_t[0])) elif all_same(l_o_t) is False: print_check_fails(log, l_o_t, file_check, "levels of theory") # Check for solvent models solvent_check = [thermo_data[key].solvation_model[0] for key in thermo_data] if all_same(solvent_check): solvent_check = [thermo_data[key].solvation_model[1] for key in thermo_data] log.write("\no Using {} in all calculations.".format(solvent_check[0])) else: solvent_check = [thermo_data[key].solvation_model[1] for key in thermo_data] print_check_fails(log, solvent_check, file_check, "solvation models") # Check for -c 1 when solvent is added if all_same(solvent_check): if solvent_check[0] == "gas phase" and str(round(options.conc, 4)) == str(round(0.0408740470708, 4)): log.write("\no Using a standard concentration of 1 atm for gas phase.") elif solvent_check[0] == "gas phase" and str(round(options.conc, 4)) != str(round(0.0408740470708, 4)): log.write("\nx Caution! Standard concentration is not 1 atm for gas phase (using {} M).".format(options.conc)) elif solvent_check[0] != "gas phase" and str(round(options.conc, 4)) == str(round(0.0408740470708, 4)): log.write("\nx Using a standard concentration of 1 atm for solvent phase (option -c 1 should be included for 1 M).") elif solvent_check[0] != "gas phase" and str(options.conc) == str(1.0): log.write("\no Using a standard concentration of 1 M for solvent phase.") elif solvent_check[0] != "gas phase" and str(round(options.conc, 4)) != str(round(0.0408740470708, 4)) and str( options.conc) != str(1.0): log.write("\nx Caution! Standard concentration is not 1 M for solvent phase (using {} M).".format(options.conc)) if all_same(solvent_check) == False and "gas phase" in solvent_check: log.write("\nx Caution! The right standard concentration cannot be determined because the calculations use a combination of gas and solvent phases.") if all_same(solvent_check) == False and "gas phase" not in solvent_check: log.write("\nx Caution! Different solvents used, fix this issue and use option -c 1 for a standard concentration of 1 M.") # Check charge and multiplicity charge_check = [thermo_data[key].charge for key in thermo_data] multiplicity_check = [thermo_data[key].multiplicity for key in thermo_data] if all_same(charge_check) != False and all_same(multiplicity_check) != False: log.write("\no Using charge {} and multiplicity {} in all calculations.".format(charge_check[0], multiplicity_check[0])) else: print_check_fails(log, charge_check, file_check, "charge and multiplicity", multiplicity_check) # Check for duplicate structures dup_list = check_dup(files, thermo_data) if len(dup_list) == 0: log.write("\no No duplicates or enantiomers found") else: log.write("\nx Caution! Possible duplicates or enantiomers found:") for dup in dup_list: log.write('\n {} and {}'.format(dup[0], dup[1])) # Check for linear molecules with incorrect number of vibrational modes linear_fails, linear_fails_atom, linear_fails_cart, linear_fails_files, linear_fails_list = [], [], [], [], [] frequency_list = [] for file in files: linear_fails = getoutData(file) linear_fails_cart.append(linear_fails.cartesians) linear_fails_atom.append(linear_fails.atom_types) linear_fails_files.append(file) frequency_list.append(thermo_data[file].frequency_wn) linear_fails_list.append(linear_fails_atom) linear_fails_list.append(linear_fails_cart) linear_fails_list.append(frequency_list) linear_fails_list.append(linear_fails_files) linear_mol_correct, linear_mol_wrong = [], [] for i in range(len(linear_fails_list[0])): count_linear = 0 if len(linear_fails_list[0][i]) == 2: if len(linear_fails_list[2][i]) == 1: linear_mol_correct.append(linear_fails_list[3][i]) else: linear_mol_wrong.append(linear_fails_list[3][i]) if len(linear_fails_list[0][i]) == 3: if linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['I', 'I', 'I'] or linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['O', 'O', 'O'] or \ linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['N', 'N', 'N'] or linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['H', 'C', 'N'] or \ linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['H', 'N', 'C'] or linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['C', 'H', 'N'] or \ linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['C', 'N', 'H'] or linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['N', 'H', 'C'] or \ linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['N', 'C', 'H']: if len(linear_fails_list[2][i]) == 4: linear_mol_correct.append(linear_fails_list[3][i]) else: linear_mol_wrong.append(linear_fails_list[3][i]) else: for j in range(len(linear_fails_list[0][i])): for k in range(len(linear_fails_list[0][i])): if k > j: for l in range(len(linear_fails_list[1][i][j])): if linear_fails_list[0][i][j] == linear_fails_list[0][i][k]: if linear_fails_list[1][i][j][l] > (-linear_fails_list[1][i][k][l] - 0.1) and \ linear_fails_list[1][i][j][l] < (-linear_fails_list[1][i][k][l] + 0.1): count_linear = count_linear + 1 if count_linear == 3: if len(linear_fails_list[2][i]) == 4: linear_mol_correct.append(linear_fails_list[3][i]) else: linear_mol_wrong.append(linear_fails_list[3][i]) if len(linear_fails_list[0][i]) == 4: if linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['C', 'C', 'H', 'H'] or linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['C', 'H', 'C', 'H'] or \ linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['C', 'H', 'H', 'C'] or linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['H', 'C', 'C', 'H'] or \ linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['H', 'C', 'H', 'C'] or linear_fails_list[0][i] == ['H', 'H', 'C', 'C']: if len(linear_fails_list[2][i]) == 7: linear_mol_correct.append(linear_fails_list[3][i]) else: linear_mol_wrong.append(linear_fails_list[3][i]) linear_correct_print, linear_wrong_print = "", "" for i in range(len(linear_mol_correct)): linear_correct_print += ', ' + linear_mol_correct[i] for i in range(len(linear_mol_wrong)): linear_wrong_print += ', ' + linear_mol_wrong[i] linear_correct_print = linear_correct_print[1:] linear_wrong_print = linear_wrong_print[1:] if len(linear_mol_correct) == 0: if len(linear_mol_wrong) == 0: log.write("\n- No linear molecules found.") if len(linear_mol_wrong) >= 1: log.write("\nx Caution! Potential linear molecules with wrong number of frequencies found " "(correct number = 3N-5) -{}.".format(linear_wrong_print)) elif len(linear_mol_correct) >= 1: if len(linear_mol_wrong) == 0: log.write("\no All the linear molecules have the correct number of frequencies -{}.".format(linear_correct_print)) if len(linear_mol_wrong) >= 1: log.write("\nx Caution! Potential linear molecules with wrong number of frequencies found -{}. Correct " "number of frequencies (3N-5) found in other calculations -{}.".format(linear_wrong_print, linear_correct_print)) # Checks whether any TS have > 1 imaginary frequency and any GS have any imaginary frequencies for file in files: bbe = thermo_data[file] if bbe.job_type.find('TS') > -1 and len(bbe.im_frequency_wn) != 1: log.write("\nx Caution! TS {} does not have 1 imaginary frequency greater than -50 wavenumbers.".format(file)) if bbe.job_type.find('GS') > -1 and bbe.job_type.find('TS') == -1 and len(bbe.im_frequency_wn) != 0: log.write("\nx Caution: GS {} has 1 or more imaginary frequencies greater than -50 wavenumbers.".format(file)) # Check for empirical dispersion dispersion_check = [thermo_data[key].empirical_dispersion for key in thermo_data] if all_same(dispersion_check): if dispersion_check[0] == 'No empirical dispersion detected': log.write("\n- No empirical dispersion detected in any of the calculations.") else: log.write("\no Using " + dispersion_check[0] + " in all calculations.") else: print_check_fails(log, dispersion_check, file_check, "dispersion models") log.write("\n" + STARS + "\n") # Check for single-point corrections if options.spc is not False: log.write("\n Checks for single-point corrections:") log.write("\n" + STARS) names_spc, version_check_spc = [], [] for file in files: name, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if os.path.exists(name + '_' + options.spc + '.log'): names_spc.append(name + '_' + options.spc + '.log') elif os.path.exists(name + '_' + options.spc + '.out'): names_spc.append(name + '_' + options.spc + '.out') # Check SPC program versions version_check_spc = [thermo_data[key].sp_version_program for key in thermo_data] if all_same(version_check_spc): log.write("\no Using {} in all the single-point corrections.".format(version_check_spc[0])) else: print_check_fails(log, version_check_spc, file_check, "programs or versions") # Check SPC solvation solvent_check_spc = [thermo_data[key].sp_solvation_model for key in thermo_data] if all_same(solvent_check_spc): if isinstance(solvent_check_spc[0],list): log.write("\no Using " + solvent_check_spc[0][0] + " in all single-point corrections.") else: log.write("\no Using " + solvent_check_spc[0] + " in all single-point corrections.") else: print_check_fails(log, solvent_check_spc, file_check, "solvation models") # Check SPC level of theory l_o_t_spc = [level_of_theory(name) for name in names_spc] if all_same(l_o_t_spc): log.write("\no Using {} in all the single-point corrections.".format(l_o_t_spc[0])) else: print_check_fails(log, l_o_t_spc, file_check, "levels of theory") # Check SPC charge and multiplicity charge_spc_check = [thermo_data[key].sp_charge for key in thermo_data] multiplicity_spc_check = [thermo_data[key].sp_multiplicity for key in thermo_data] if all_same(charge_spc_check) != False and all_same(multiplicity_spc_check) != False: log.write("\no Using charge and multiplicity {} {} in all the single-point corrections.".format( charge_spc_check[0], multiplicity_spc_check[0])) else: print_check_fails(log, charge_spc_check, file_check, "charge and multiplicity", multiplicity_spc_check) # Check if the geometries of freq calculations match their corresponding structures in single-point calculations geom_duplic_list, geom_duplic_list_spc, geom_duplic_cart, geom_duplic_files, geom_duplic_cart_spc, geom_duplic_files_spc = [], [], [], [], [], [] for file in files: geom_duplic = getoutData(file) geom_duplic_cart.append(geom_duplic.cartesians) geom_duplic_files.append(file) geom_duplic_list.append(geom_duplic_cart) geom_duplic_list.append(geom_duplic_files) for name in names_spc: geom_duplic_spc = getoutData(name) geom_duplic_cart_spc.append(geom_duplic_spc.cartesians) geom_duplic_files_spc.append(name) geom_duplic_list_spc.append(geom_duplic_cart_spc) geom_duplic_list_spc.append(geom_duplic_files_spc) spc_mismatching = "Caution! Potential differences found between frequency and single-point geometries -" if len(geom_duplic_list[0]) == len(geom_duplic_list_spc[0]): for i in range(len(files)): count = 1 for j in range(len(geom_duplic_list[0][i])): if count == 1: if geom_duplic_list[0][i][j] == geom_duplic_list_spc[0][i][j]: count = count elif '{0:.3f}'.format(geom_duplic_list[0][i][j][0]) == '{0:.3f}'.format(geom_duplic_list_spc[0][i][j][0] * (-1)) or '{0:.3f}'.format(geom_duplic_list[0][i][j][0]) == '{0:.3f}'.format(geom_duplic_list_spc[0][i][j][0]): if '{0:.3f}'.format(geom_duplic_list[0][i][j][1]) == '{0:.3f}'.format(geom_duplic_list_spc[0][i][j][1] * (-1)) or '{0:.3f}'.format(geom_duplic_list[0][i][j][1]) == '{0:.3f}'.format(geom_duplic_list_spc[0][i][j][1] * (-1)): count = count if '{0:.3f}'.format(geom_duplic_list[0][i][j][2]) == '{0:.3f}'.format(geom_duplic_list_spc[0][i][j][2] * (-1)) or '{0:.3f}'.format( geom_duplic_list[0][i][j][2]) == '{0:.3f}'.format(geom_duplic_list_spc[0][i][j][2] * (-1)): count = count else: spc_mismatching += ", " + geom_duplic_list[1][i] count = count + 1 if spc_mismatching == "Caution! Potential differences found between frequency and single-point geometries -": log.write("\no No potential differences found between frequency and single-point geometries (based on input coordinates).") else: spc_mismatching_1 = spc_mismatching[:84] spc_mismatching_2 = spc_mismatching[85:] log.write("\nx " + spc_mismatching_1 + spc_mismatching_2 + '.') else: log.write("\nx One or more geometries from single-point corrections are missing.") # Check for SPC dispersion models dispersion_check_spc = [thermo_data[key].sp_empirical_dispersion for key in thermo_data] if all_same(dispersion_check_spc): if dispersion_check_spc[0] == 'No empirical dispersion detected': log.write("\n- No empirical dispersion detected in any of the calculations.") else: log.write("\no Using " + dispersion_check_spc[0] + " in all the singe-point calculations.") else: print_check_fails(log, dispersion_check_spc, file_check, "dispersion models") log.write("\n" + STARS + "\n")
[docs]def main(): files = [] bbe_vals = [] clusters = [] command = 'o Requested: ' clustering = False # Get command line inputs. Use -h to list all possible arguments and default values parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-q", dest="Q", action="store_true", default=False, help="Quasi-harmonic entropy correction and enthalpy correction applied (default S=Grimme, " "H=Head-Gordon)") parser.add_argument("--qs", dest="QS", default="grimme", type=str.lower, metavar="QS", choices=('grimme', 'truhlar'), help="Type of quasi-harmonic entropy correction (Grimme or Truhlar) (default Grimme)", ) parser.add_argument("--qh", dest="QH", action="store_true", default=False, help="Type of quasi-harmonic enthalpy correction (Head-Gordon)") parser.add_argument("-f", dest="freq_cutoff", default=100, type=float, metavar="FREQ_CUTOFF", help="Cut-off frequency for both entropy and enthalpy (wavenumbers) (default = 100)", ) parser.add_argument("--fs", dest="S_freq_cutoff", default=100.0, type=float, metavar="S_FREQ_CUTOFF", help="Cut-off frequency for entropy (wavenumbers) (default = 100)") parser.add_argument("--fh", dest="H_freq_cutoff", default=100.0, type=float, metavar="H_FREQ_CUTOFF", help="Cut-off frequency for enthalpy (wavenumbers) (default = 100)") parser.add_argument("-t", dest="temperature", default=298.15, type=float, metavar="TEMP", help="Temperature (K) (default 298.15)") parser.add_argument("-c", dest="conc", default=False, type=float, metavar="CONC", help="Concentration (mol/l) (default 1 atm)") parser.add_argument("--ti", dest="temperature_interval", default=False, metavar="TI", help="Initial temp, final temp, step size (K)") parser.add_argument("-v", dest="freq_scale_factor", default=False, type=float, metavar="SCALE_FACTOR", help="Frequency scaling factor. If not set, try to find a suitable value in database. " "If not found, use 1.0") parser.add_argument("--vmm", dest="mm_freq_scale_factor", default=False, type=float, metavar="MM_SCALE_FACTOR", help="Additional frequency scaling factor used in ONIOM calculations") parser.add_argument("--spc", dest="spc", type=str, default=False, metavar="SPC", help="Indicates single point corrections (default False)") parser.add_argument("--boltz", dest="boltz", action="store_true", default=False, help="Show Boltzmann factors") parser.add_argument("--cpu", dest="cputime", action="store_true", default=False, help="Total CPU time") parser.add_argument("--d3", dest="D3", action="store_true", default=False, help="Zero-damped DFTD3 correction will be computed") parser.add_argument("--d3bj", dest="D3BJ", action="store_true", default=False, help="Becke-Johnson damped DFTD3 correction will be computed") parser.add_argument("--atm", dest="ATM", action="store_true", default=False, help="Axilrod-Teller-Muto 3-body dispersion correction will be computed") parser.add_argument("--xyz", dest="xyz", action="store_true", default=False, help="Write Cartesians to a .xyz file (default False)") parser.add_argument("--csv", dest="csv", action="store_true", default=False, help="Write .csv output file format") parser.add_argument("--imag", dest="imag_freq", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print imaginary frequencies (default False)") parser.add_argument("--invertifreq", dest="invert", nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Make low lying imaginary frequencies positive (cutoff > -50.0 wavenumbers)") parser.add_argument("--freespace", dest="freespace", default="none", type=str, metavar="FREESPACE", help="Solvent (H2O, toluene, DMF, AcOH, chloroform) (default none)") parser.add_argument("--dup", dest="duplicate", action="store_true", default=False, help="Remove possible duplicates from thermochemical analysis") parser.add_argument("--cosmo", dest="cosmo", default=False, metavar="COSMO-RS", help="Filename of a COSMO-RS .tab output file") parser.add_argument("--cosmo_int", dest="cosmo_int", default=False, metavar="COSMO-RS", help="Filename of a COSMO-RS .tab output file along with a temperature range (K): " ",'Initial_T, Final_T'") parser.add_argument("--output", dest="output", default="output", metavar="OUTPUT", help="Change the default name of the output file to GoodVibes_\"output\".dat") parser.add_argument("--pes", dest="pes", default=False, metavar="PES", help="Tabulate relative values") parser.add_argument("--nogconf", dest="gconf", action="store_false", default=True, help="Calculate a free-energy correction related to multi-configurational space (default " "calculate Gconf)") parser.add_argument("--ee", dest="ee", default=False, type=str, help="Tabulate selectivity values (excess, ratio) from a mixture, provide pattern for two " "types such as *_R*,*_S*") parser.add_argument("--check", dest="check", action="store_true", default=False, help="Checks if calculations were done with the same program, level of theory and solvent, " "as well as detects potential duplicates") parser.add_argument("--media", dest="media", default=False, metavar="MEDIA", help="Entropy correction for standard concentration of solvents") parser.add_argument("--custom_ext", type=str, default='', help="List of additional file extensions to support, beyond .log or .out, use separated by " "commas (ie, '.qfi, .gaussian'). It can also be specified with environment variable " "GOODVIBES_CUSTOM_EXT") parser.add_argument("--graph", dest='graph', default=False, metavar="GRAPH", help="Graph a reaction profile based on free energies calculated. ") parser.add_argument("--ssymm", dest='ssymm', action="store_true", default=False, help="Turn on the symmetry correction.") parser.add_argument("--bav", dest='inertia', default="global",type=str,choices=['global','conf'], help="Choice of how the moment of inertia is computed. Options = 'global' or 'conf'." "'global' will use the same moment of inertia for all input molecules of 10*10-44," "'conf' will compute moment of inertia from parsed rotational constants from each Gaussian output file.") parser.add_argument("--g4", dest="g4", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use this option when using G4 calculations in Gaussian") # Parse Arguments (options, args) = parser.parse_known_args() # If requested, turn on head-gordon enthalpy correction if options.Q: options.QH = True if options.QH: stars = " " + "*" * 142 else: stars = " " + "*" * 128 # If necessary, create an xyz file for Cartesians if xyz = xyz_out("Goodvibes", "xyz", "output") # If user has specified different file extensions if options.custom_ext or os.environ.get('GOODVIBES_CUSTOM_EXT', ''): custom_extensions = options.custom_ext.split(',') + os.environ.get('GOODVIBES_CUSTOM_EXT', '').split(',') for ext in custom_extensions: SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS.add(ext.strip()) # Default value for inverting imaginary frequencies if options.invert: options.invert == -50.0 elif options.invert > 0: options.invert = -1 * options.invert # Start a log for the results log = Logger("Goodvibes", options.output, options.csv) # Initialize the total CPU time total_cpu_time, add_days = datetime(100, 1, 1, 00, 00, 00, 00), 0 if len(args) > 1: for elem in args: if elem == 'clust:': clustering = True options.boltz = True nclust = -1 # Get the filenames from the command line prompt args = sys.argv[1:] for elem in args: if clustering: if elem == 'clust:': clusters.append([]) nclust += 0 try: if os.path.splitext(elem)[1].lower() in SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS: # Look for file names for file in glob(elem): if options.spc is False or options.spc == 'link': if file is not options.cosmo: files.append(file) if clustering: clusters[nclust].append(file) else: if file.find('_' + options.spc + ".") == -1: files.append(file) if clustering: clusters[nclust].append(file) name, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if not (os.path.exists(name + '_' + options.spc + '.log') or os.path.exists( name + '_' + options.spc + '.out')) and options.spc != 'link': sys.exit("\nError! SPC calculation file '{}' not found! Make sure files are named with " "the convention: 'filename_spc' or specify link job.\nFor help, use option '-h'\n" "".format(name + '_' + options.spc)) elif elem != 'clust:': # Look for requested options command += elem + ' ' except IndexError: pass # Start printing results start = time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) log.write(" GoodVibes v" + __version__ + " " + start + "\n Citation: " + goodvibes_ref + "\n") # Check if user has specified any files, if not quit now if len(files) == 0: sys.exit("\nPlease provide GoodVibes with calculation output files on the command line.\n" "For help, use option '-h'\n") if clustering: command += '(clustering active)' log.write('\n' + command + '\n\n') if options.temperature_interval == False: log.write(" Temperature = " + str(options.temperature) + " Kelvin") # If not at standard temp, need to correct the molarity of 1 atmosphere (assuming pressure is still 1 atm) if options.conc: gas_phase = False log.write(" Concentration = " + str(options.conc) + " mol/L") else: gas_phase = True options.conc = ATMOS / (GAS_CONSTANT * options.temperature) log.write(" Pressure = 1 atm") log.write('\n All energetic values below shown in Hartree unless otherwise specified.') # Initial read of files, # Grab level of theory, solvation model, check for Normal Termination l_o_t, s_m, progress, spc_progress, orientation, grid = [], [], {}, {}, {}, {} for file in files: lot_sm_prog = read_initial(file) l_o_t.append(lot_sm_prog[0]) s_m.append(lot_sm_prog[1]) progress[file] = lot_sm_prog[2] orientation[file] = lot_sm_prog[3] grid[file] = lot_sm_prog[4] #check spc files for normal termination if options.spc is not False and options.spc != 'link': name, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if os.path.exists(name + '_' + options.spc + '.log'): spc_file = name + '_' + options.spc + '.log' elif os.path.exists(name + '_' + options.spc + '.out'): spc_file = name + '_' + options.spc + '.out' lot_sm_prog = read_initial(spc_file) spc_progress[spc_file] = lot_sm_prog[2] remove_key = [] # Remove problem files and print errors for i, key in enumerate(files): if progress[key] == 'Error': log.write("\n\nx Warning! Error termination found in file {}. This file will be omitted from further " "calculations.".format(key)) remove_key.append([i, key]) elif progress[key] == 'Incomplete': log.write("\n\nx Warning! File {} may not have terminated normally or the calculation may still be " "running. This file will be omitted from further calculations.".format(key)) remove_key.append([i, key]) #check spc files for normal termination if spc_progress: for key in spc_progress: if spc_progress[key] == 'Error': sys.exit("\n\nx ERROR! Error termination found in file {} calculations.".format(key)) elif spc_progress[key] == 'Incomplete': sys.exit("\n\nx ERROR! File {} may not have terminated normally or the " "calculation may still be running.".format(key)) for [i, key] in list(reversed(remove_key)): files.remove(key) del l_o_t[i] del s_m[i] del orientation[key] del grid[key] if len(files) == 0: sys.exit("\n\nPlease try again with normally terminated output files.\nFor help, use option '-h'\n") # Attempt to automatically obtain frequency scale factor, # Application of freq scale factors requires all outputs to be same level of theory if options.freq_scale_factor is not False: if 'ONIOM' not in l_o_t[0]: log.write("\n\n User-defined vibrational scale factor " + str(options.freq_scale_factor) + " for " + l_o_t[0] + " level of theory") else: log.write("\n\n User-defined vibrational scale factor " + str(options.freq_scale_factor) + " for QM region of " + l_o_t[0]) else: # Look for vibrational scaling factor automatically if all_same(l_o_t): level = l_o_t[0].upper() for data in (scaling_data_dict, scaling_data_dict_mod): if level in data: options.freq_scale_factor = data[level].zpe_fac ref = scaling_refs[data[level].zpe_ref] log.write("\n\no Found vibrational scaling factor of {:.3f} for {} level of theory\n" " {}".format(options.freq_scale_factor, l_o_t[0], ref)) break else: # Print files and different levels of theory found files_l_o_t, levels_l_o_t, filtered_calcs_l_o_t = [], [], [] for file in files: files_l_o_t.append(file) for i in l_o_t: levels_l_o_t.append(i) filtered_calcs_l_o_t.append(files_l_o_t) filtered_calcs_l_o_t.append(levels_l_o_t) print_check_fails(log, filtered_calcs_l_o_t[1], filtered_calcs_l_o_t[0], "levels of theory") # Exit program if a comparison of Boltzmann factors is requested and level of theory is not uniform across all files if not all_same(l_o_t) and (options.boltz is not False or is not False): sys.exit("\n\nERROR: When comparing files using Boltzmann factors (boltz or ee input options), the level of " "theory used should be the same for all files.\n ") # Exit program if molecular mechanics scaling factor is given and all files are not ONIOM calculations if options.mm_freq_scale_factor is not False: if all_same(l_o_t) and 'ONIOM' in l_o_t[0]: log.write("\n\n User-defined vibrational scale factor " + str(options.mm_freq_scale_factor) + " for MM region of " + l_o_t[0]) log.write("\n REF: {}".format(oniom_scale_ref)) else: sys.exit("\n Option --vmm is only for use in ONIOM calculation output files.\n " " help use option '-h'\n") if options.freq_scale_factor is False: options.freq_scale_factor = 1.0 # If no scaling factor is found use 1.0 if all_same(l_o_t): log.write("\n\n Using vibrational scale factor {} for {} level of " "theory".format(options.freq_scale_factor, l_o_t[0])) else: log.write("\n\n Using vibrational scale factor {}: differing levels of theory " "detected.".format(options.freq_scale_factor)) # Checks to see whether the available free space of a requested solvent is defined freespace = get_free_space(options.freespace) if freespace != 1000.0: log.write("\n Specified solvent " + options.freespace + ": free volume " + str( "%.3f" % (freespace / 10.0)) + " (mol/l) corrects the translational entropy") # Check for implicit solvation printed_solv_warn = False for i in s_m: if ('smd' in i.lower() or 'cpcm' in i.lower()) and not printed_solv_warn: log.write("\n\n Caution! Implicit solvation (SMD/CPCM) detected. Enthalpic and entropic terms cannot be " "safely separated. Use them at your own risk!") printed_solv_warn = True # COSMO-RS temperature interval if options.cosmo_int: args = options.cosmo_int.split(',') cfile = args[0] cinterval = args[1:] log.write('\n\n Reading COSMO-RS file: ' + cfile + ' over a T range of ' + cinterval[0] + '-' + cinterval[1] + ' K.') t_interval, gsolv_dicts = cosmo_rs_out(cfile, files, interval=cinterval) options.temperature_interval = True elif options.cosmo is not False: # Read from COSMO-RS output try: cosmo_solv = cosmo_rs_out(options.cosmo, files) log.write('\n\n Reading COSMO-RS file: ' + options.cosmo) except ValueError: cosmo_solv = None log.write('\n\n Warning! COSMO-RS file ' + options.cosmo + ' requested but not found') if options.freq_cutoff != 100.0: options.S_freq_cutoff = options.freq_cutoff options.H_freq_cutoff = options.freq_cutoff # Summary of the quasi-harmonic treatment; print out the relevant reference log.write("\n\n Entropic quasi-harmonic treatment: frequency cut-off value of " + str( options.S_freq_cutoff) + " wavenumbers will be applied.") if options.QS == "grimme": log.write("\n QS = Grimme: Using a mixture of RRHO and Free-rotor vibrational entropies.") qs_ref = grimme_ref elif options.QS == "truhlar": log.write("\n QS = Truhlar: Using an RRHO treatment where low frequencies are adjusted to the cut-off value.") qs_ref = truhlar_ref else: log.fatal("\n FATAL ERROR: Unknown quasi-harmonic model " + options.QS + " specified (QS must = grimme or truhlar).") log.write("\n REF: " + qs_ref + '\n') # Check if qh-H correction should be applied if options.QH: log.write("\n\n Enthalpy quasi-harmonic treatment: frequency cut-off value of " + str( options.H_freq_cutoff) + " wavenumbers will be applied.") log.write("\n QH = Head-Gordon: Using an RRHO treatement with an approximation term for vibrational energy.") qh_ref = head_gordon_ref log.write("\n REF: " + qh_ref + '\n') # Check if D3 corrections should be applied if options.D3: log.write("\n\n D3-Dispersion energy with zero-damping will be calculated and included in the energy and enthalpy terms.") log.write("\n REF: " + d3_ref + '\n') if options.D3BJ: log.write("\n\n D3-Dispersion energy with Becke-Johnson damping will be calculated and added to the energy terms.") log.write("\n REF: " + d3bj_ref + '\n') if options.ATM: log.write("\n The repulsive Axilrod-Teller-Muto 3-body term will be included in the dispersion correction.") log.write("\n REF: " + atm_ref + '\n') # Check if entropy symmetry correction should be applied if options.ssymm: log.write('\n\n Ssymm requested. Symmetry contribution to entropy to be calculated using S. Patchkovskii\'s \n open source software "Brute Force Symmetry Analyzer" available under GNU General Public License.') log.write('\n REF: (C) 1996, 2003 S. Patchkovskii,') log.write('\n\n Atomic radii used to calculate internal symmetry based on Cambridge Structural Database covalent radii.') log.write("\n REF: " + csd_ref + '\n') # Whether single-point energies are to be used if options.spc: log.write("\n Combining final single point energy with thermal corrections.") # Solvent correction message if log.write("\n Applying standard concentration correction (based on density at 20C) to solvent media.") # Check for special options inverted_freqs, inverted_files = [], [] if options.ssymm: ssymm_option = options.ssymm else: ssymm_option = False if options.mm_freq_scale_factor is not False: vmm_option = options.mm_freq_scale_factor else: vmm_option = False # Loop over all specified output files and compute thermochemistry for file in files: if options.cosmo: cosmo_option = cosmo_solv[file] else: cosmo_option = None # computes D3 term if requested, which is then sent to calc bbe as a correction d3_energy = 0.0 if options.D3 or options.D3BJ: verbose, intermolecular, pairwise, abc_term = False, False, False, False s6, rs6, s8, bj_a1, bj_a2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 functional = level_of_theory(file).split('/')[0] if options.D3: damp = 'zero' elif options.D3BJ: damp = 'bj' if options.ATM: abc_term = True try: fileData = getoutData(file) d3_calc = D3.calcD3(fileData, functional, s6, rs6, s8, bj_a1, bj_a2, damp, abc_term, intermolecular, pairwise, verbose) d3_energy = (d3_calc.attractive_r6_vdw + d3_calc.attractive_r8_vdw + d3_calc.repulsive_abc) / KCAL_TO_AU except: log.write('\n ! Dispersion Correction Failed') d3_energy = 0.0 conc = options.conc #check if media correction should be applied if != False: try: from .media import solvents except: from media import solvents if in solvents and == \ os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0].lower(): mweight = solvents[][0] density = solvents[][1] conc = (density * 1000) / mweight media_conc = conc bbe = calc_bbe(file, options.QS, options.QH, options.S_freq_cutoff, options.H_freq_cutoff, options.temperature, conc, options.freq_scale_factor, options.freespace, options.spc, options.invert, d3_energy, cosmo=cosmo_option, ssymm=ssymm_option, mm_freq_scale_factor=vmm_option, inertia=options.inertia, g4=options.g4) # Populate bbe_vals with indivual bbe entries for each file bbe_vals.append(bbe) # Creates a new dictionary object thermo_data, which attaches the bbe data to each file-name file_list = [file for file in files] thermo_data = dict(zip(file_list, bbe_vals)) # The collected thermochemical data for all files interval_bbe_data, interval_thermo_data = [], [] inverted_freqs, inverted_files = [], [] for file in files: if len(thermo_data[file].inverted_freqs) > 0: inverted_freqs.append(thermo_data[file].inverted_freqs) inverted_files.append(file) # Check if user has chosen to make any low lying imaginary frequencies positive if options.invert is not False: for i, file in enumerate(inverted_files): if len(inverted_freqs[i]) == 1: log.write("\n\n The following frequency was made positive and used in calculations: " + str(inverted_freqs[i][0]) + " from " + file) elif len(inverted_freqs[i]) > 1: log.write("\n\n The following frequencies were made positive and used in calculations: " + str(inverted_freqs[i]) + " from " + file) # Adjust printing according to options requested if options.spc is not False: stars += '*' * 14 if options.cosmo is not False: stars += '*' * 30 if options.imag_freq is True: stars += '*' * 9 if options.boltz is True: stars += '*' * 7 if options.ssymm is True: stars += '*' * 13 # Standard mode: tabulate thermochemistry ouput from file(s) at a single temperature and concentration if options.temperature_interval is False: if options.spc is False: log.write("\n\n ") if options.QH: log.write('{:<39} {:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>13} ' '{:>13}'.format("Structure", "E", "ZPE", "H", "qh-H", "T.S", "T.qh-S", "G(T)", "qh-G(T)"), thermodata=True) else: log.write('{:<39} {:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13}'.format("Structure", "E", "ZPE", "H", "T.S", "T.qh-S", "G(T)", "qh-G(T)"), thermodata=True) else: log.write("\n\n ") if options.QH: log.write('{:<39} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>13} ' '{:>13}'.format("Structure", "E_SPC", "E", "ZPE", "H_SPC", "qh-H_SPC", "T.S", "T.qh-S", "G(T)_SPC", "qh-G(T)_SPC"), thermodata=True) else: log.write('{:<39} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>13} ' '{:>13}'.format("Structure", "E_SPC", "E", "ZPE", "H_SPC", "T.S", "T.qh-S", "G(T)_SPC", "qh-G(T)_SPC"), thermodata=True) if options.cosmo is not False: log.write('{:>13} {:>16}'.format("COSMO-RS", "COSMO-qh-G(T)"), thermodata=True) if options.boltz is True: log.write('{:>7}'.format("Boltz"), thermodata=True) if options.imag_freq is True: log.write('{:>9}'.format("im freq"), thermodata=True) if options.ssymm: log.write('{:>13}'.format("Point Group"), thermodata=True) log.write("\n" + stars + "") # Look for duplicates or enantiomers if options.duplicate: dup_list = check_dup(files, thermo_data) else: dup_list = [] # Boltzmann factors and averaging over clusters if options.boltz != False: boltz_facs, weighted_free_energy, boltz_sum = get_boltz(files, thermo_data, clustering, clusters, options.temperature, dup_list) for file in files: # Loop over the output files and compute thermochemistry duplicate = False if len(dup_list) != 0: for dup in dup_list: if dup[0] == file: duplicate = True log.write('\nx {} is a duplicate or enantiomer of {}'.format(dup[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0], dup[1].rsplit('.', 1)[0])) break if not duplicate: bbe = thermo_data[file] if options.cputime != False: # Add up CPU times if hasattr(bbe, "cpu"): if bbe.cpu != None: total_cpu_time = add_time(total_cpu_time, bbe.cpu) if hasattr(bbe, "sp_cpu"): if bbe.sp_cpu != None: total_cpu_time = add_time(total_cpu_time, bbe.sp_cpu) if total_cpu_time.month > 1: add_days += 31 if # Write Cartesians xyzdata = getoutData(file) xyz.write_text(str(len(xyzdata.atom_types))) if hasattr(bbe, "scf_energy"): xyz.write_text( '{:<39} {:>13} {:13.6f}'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0], 'Eopt', bbe.scf_energy)) else: xyz.write_text('{:<39}'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0])) if hasattr(xyzdata, 'cartesians') and hasattr(xyzdata, 'atom_types'): xyz.write_coords(xyzdata.atom_types, xyzdata.cartesians) # Check for possible error in Gaussian calculation of linear molecules which can return 2 rotational constants instead of 3 if bbe.linear_warning: log.write("\nx " + '{:<39}'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0])) log.write(' ---- Caution! Potential invalid calculation of linear molecule from Gaussian') else: if hasattr(bbe, "gibbs_free_energy"): if options.spc is not False: if bbe.sp_energy != '!': log.write("\no ") log.write('{:<39}'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0]), thermodata=True) log.write(' {:13.6f}'.format(bbe.sp_energy), thermodata=True) if bbe.sp_energy == '!': log.write("\nx ") log.write('{:<39}'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0]), thermodata=True) log.write(' {:>13}'.format('----'), thermodata=True) else: log.write("\no ") log.write('{:<39}'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0]), thermodata=True) # Gaussian SPC file handling if hasattr(bbe, "scf_energy") and not hasattr(bbe, "gibbs_free_energy"): log.write("\nx " + '{:<39}'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0])) # ORCA spc files elif not hasattr(bbe, "scf_energy") and not hasattr(bbe, "gibbs_free_energy"): log.write("\nx " + '{:<39}'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0])) if hasattr(bbe, "scf_energy"): log.write(' {:13.6f}'.format(bbe.scf_energy), thermodata=True) # No freqs found if not hasattr(bbe, "gibbs_free_energy"): log.write(" Warning! Couldn't find frequency information ...") else: if all(getattr(bbe, attrib) for attrib in ["enthalpy", "entropy", "qh_entropy", "gibbs_free_energy", "qh_gibbs_free_energy"]): if options.QH: log.write(' {:10.6f} {:13.6f} {:13.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:13.6f} {:13.6f}'.format( bbe.zpe, bbe.enthalpy, bbe.qh_enthalpy, (options.temperature * bbe.entropy), (options.temperature * bbe.qh_entropy), bbe.gibbs_free_energy, bbe.qh_gibbs_free_energy), thermodata=True) else: log.write(' {:10.6f} {:13.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:13.6f} ' '{:13.6f}'.format(bbe.zpe, bbe.enthalpy, (options.temperature * bbe.entropy), (options.temperature * bbe.qh_entropy), bbe.gibbs_free_energy, bbe.qh_gibbs_free_energy), thermodata=True) if is not False and in solvents and == \ os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0].lower(): log.write(" Solvent: {:4.2f}M ".format(media_conc)) # Append requested options to end of output if options.cosmo and cosmo_solv is not None: log.write('{:13.6f} {:16.6f}'.format(cosmo_solv[file], bbe.qh_gibbs_free_energy + cosmo_solv[file])) if options.boltz is True: log.write('{:7.3f}'.format(boltz_facs[file] / boltz_sum), thermodata=True) if options.imag_freq is True and hasattr(bbe, "im_frequency_wn"): for freq in bbe.im_frequency_wn: log.write('{:9.2f}'.format(freq), thermodata=True) if options.ssymm: if hasattr(bbe, "qh_gibbs_free_energy"): log.write('{:>13}'.format(bbe.point_group)) else: log.write('{:>37}'.format('---')) # Cluster files if requested if clustering: dashes = "-" * (len(stars) - 3) for n, cluster in enumerate(clusters): for id, structure in enumerate(cluster): if structure == file: if id == len(cluster) - 1: log.write("\n " + dashes) log.write("\n " + '{name:<{var_width}} {gval:13.6f} {weight:6.2f}'.format( name='Boltzmann-weighted Cluster ' + alphabet[n].upper(), var_width=len(stars) - 24, gval=weighted_free_energy['cluster-' + alphabet[n].upper()] / boltz_facs[ 'cluster-' + alphabet[n].upper()], weight=100 * boltz_facs['cluster-' + alphabet[n].upper()] / boltz_sum), thermodata=True) log.write("\n " + dashes) log.write("\n" + stars + "\n") # Perform checks for consistent options provided in calculation files (level of theory) if options.check: check_files(log, files, thermo_data, options, stars, l_o_t, s_m, orientation, grid) # Running a variable temperature analysis of the enthalpy, entropy and the free energy elif options.temperature_interval: log.write("\n\n Variable-Temperature analysis of the enthalpy, entropy and the entropy at a constant pressure between") if options.cosmo_int is False: temperature_interval = [float(temp) for temp in options.temperature_interval.split(',')] # If no temperature step was defined, divide the region into 10 if len(temperature_interval) == 2: temperature_interval.append((temperature_interval[1] - temperature_interval[0]) / 10.0) interval = range(int(temperature_interval[0]), int(temperature_interval[1] + 1), int(temperature_interval[2])) log.write("\n T init: %.1f, T final: %.1f, T interval: %.1f" % ( temperature_interval[0], temperature_interval[1], temperature_interval[2])) else: interval = t_interval log.write("\n T init: %.1f, T final: %.1f" % (interval[0], interval[-1])) if options.QH: qh_print_format = "\n\n {:<39} {:>13} {:>24} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13}" if options.spc and options.cosmo_int: log.write(qh_print_format.format("Structure", "Temp/K", "H_SPC", "qh-H_SPC", "T.S", "T.qh-S", "G(T)_SPC", "COSMO-RS-qh-G(T)_SPC"), thermodata=True) elif options.cosmo_int: log.write(qh_print_format.format("Structure", "Temp/K", "H", "qh-H", "T.S", "T.qh-S", "G(T)", "qh-G(T)", "COSMO-RS-qh-G(T)"), thermodata=True) elif options.spc: log.write(qh_print_format.format("Structure", "Temp/K", "H_SPC", "qh-H_SPC", "T.S", "T.qh-S", "G(T)_SPC", "qh-G(T)_SPC"), thermodata=True) else: log.write(qh_print_format.format("Structure", "Temp/K", "H", "qh-H", "T.S", "T.qh-S", "G(T)", "qh-G(T)"), thermodata=True) else: print_format_3 = '\n\n {:<39} {:>13} {:>24} {:>10} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13}' if options.spc and options.cosmo_int: log.write(print_format_3.format("Structure", "Temp/K", "H_SPC", "T.S", "T.qh-S", "G(T)_SPC", "COSMO-RS-qh-G(T)_SPC"), thermodata=True) elif options.cosmo_int: log.write(print_format_3.format("Structure", "Temp/K", "H", "T.S", "T.qh-S", "G(T)", "qh-G(T)", "COSMO-RS-qh-G(T)"), thermodata=True) elif options.spc: log.write(print_format_3.format("Structure", "Temp/K", "H_SPC", "T.S", "T.qh-S", "G(T)_SPC", "qh-G(T)_SPC"), thermodata=True) else: log.write(print_format_3.format("Structure", "Temp/K", "H", "T.S", "T.qh-S", "G(T)", "qh-G(T)"), thermodata=True) for h, file in enumerate(files): # Temperature interval log.write("\n" + stars) interval_bbe_data.append([]) for i in range(len(interval)): # Iterate through the temperature range temp = interval[i] if gas_phase: conc = ATMOS / GAS_CONSTANT / temp else: conc = options.conc linear_warning = [] if options.cosmo_int is False: cosmo_option = False else: cosmo_option = gsolv_dicts[i][file] if options.cosmo_int is False: # haven't implemented D3 for this option bbe = calc_bbe(file, options.QS, options.QH, options.S_freq_cutoff, options.H_freq_cutoff, temp, conc, options.freq_scale_factor, options.freespace, options.spc, options.invert, 0.0, cosmo=cosmo_option, inertia=options.inertia, g4=options.g4) interval_bbe_data[h].append(bbe) linear_warning.append(bbe.linear_warning) if linear_warning == [['Warning! Potential invalid calculation of linear molecule from Gaussian.']]: log.write("\nx ") log.write('{:<39}'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0]), thermodata=True) log.write(' Warning! Potential invalid calculation of linear molecule from Gaussian ...') else: # Gaussian spc files if hasattr(bbe, "scf_energy") and not hasattr(bbe, "gibbs_free_energy"): log.write("\nx " + '{:<39}'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0])) # ORCA spc files elif not hasattr(bbe, "scf_energy") and not hasattr(bbe, "gibbs_free_energy"): log.write("\nx " + '{:<39}'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0])) if not hasattr(bbe, "gibbs_free_energy"): log.write("Warning! Couldn't find frequency information ...") else: log.write("\no ") log.write('{:<39} {:13.1f}'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0], temp), thermodata=True) # if not if all(getattr(bbe, attrib) for attrib in ["enthalpy", "entropy", "qh_entropy", "gibbs_free_energy", "qh_gibbs_free_energy"]): if options.QH: if options.cosmo_int: log.write(' {:24.6f} {:13.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:13.6f} {:13.6f}'.format( bbe.enthalpy, bbe.qh_enthalpy, (temp * bbe.entropy), (temp * bbe.qh_entropy), bbe.gibbs_free_energy, bbe.cosmo_qhg), thermodata=True) else: log.write(' {:24.6f} {:13.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:13.6f} {:13.6f}'.format( bbe.enthalpy, bbe.qh_enthalpy, (temp * bbe.entropy), (temp * bbe.qh_entropy), bbe.gibbs_free_energy, bbe.qh_gibbs_free_energy), thermodata=True) else: if options.cosmo_int: log.write(' {:24.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:13.6f} {:13.6f}'.format(bbe.enthalpy, ( temp * bbe.entropy), (temp * bbe.qh_entropy), bbe.gibbs_free_energy, bbe.cosmo_qhg), thermodata=True) else: log.write(' {:24.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:13.6f} {:13.6f}'.format(bbe.enthalpy, ( temp * bbe.entropy), (temp * bbe.qh_entropy), bbe.gibbs_free_energy, bbe.qh_gibbs_free_energy), thermodata=True) if is not False and in solvents and == \ os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0].lower(): log.write(" Solvent: {:4.2f}M ".format(media_conc)) log.write("\n" + stars + "\n") # Print CPU usage if requested if options.cputime: log.write(' {:<13} {:>2} {:>4} {:>2} {:>3} {:>2} {:>4} {:>2} ' '{:>4}\n'.format('TOTAL CPU', + add_days - 1, 'days', total_cpu_time.hour, 'hrs', total_cpu_time.minute, 'mins', total_cpu_time.second, 'secs')) # Tabulate relative values if options.pes: if options.gconf: log.write('\n Gconf correction requested to be applied to below relative values using quasi-harmonic Boltzmann factors\n') for key in thermo_data: if not hasattr(thermo_data[key], "qh_gibbs_free_energy"): pes_error = "\nWarning! Could not find thermodynamic data for " + key + "\n" sys.exit(pes_error) if not hasattr(thermo_data[key], "sp_energy") and options.spc is not False: pes_error = "\nWarning! Could not find thermodynamic data for " + key + "\n" sys.exit(pes_error) # Interval applied to PES if options.temperature_interval: stars = stars + '*' * 22 for i in range(len(interval)): bbe_vals = [] for j in range(len(interval_bbe_data)): bbe_vals.append(interval_bbe_data[j][i]) interval_thermo_data.append(dict(zip(file_list, bbe_vals))) j = 0 for i in interval: temp = float(i) if options.cosmo_int is False: pes = get_pes(options.pes, interval_thermo_data[j], log, temp, options.gconf, options.QH) else: pes = get_pes(options.pes, interval_thermo_data[j], log, temp, options.gconf, options.QH, cosmo=True) for k, path in enumerate(pes.path): if options.QH: zero_vals = [pes.spc_zero[k][0], pes.e_zero[k][0], pes.zpe_zero[k][0], pes.h_zero[k][0], pes.qh_zero[k][0], temp * pes.ts_zero[k][0], temp * pes.qhts_zero[k][0], pes.g_zero[k][0], pes.qhg_zero[k][0]] else: zero_vals = [pes.spc_zero[k][0], pes.e_zero[k][0], pes.zpe_zero[k][0], pes.h_zero[k][0], temp * pes.ts_zero[k][0], temp * pes.qhts_zero[k][0], pes.g_zero[k][0], pes.qhg_zero[k][0]] if options.cosmo_int: zero_vals.append(pes.cosmo_qhg_abs[k][0]) if pes.boltz: e_sum, h_sum, g_sum, qhg_sum = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 sels = [] for l, e_abs in enumerate(pes.e_abs[k]): if options.QH: species = [pes.spc_abs[k][l], pes.e_abs[k][l], pes.zpe_abs[k][l], pes.h_abs[k][l], pes.qh_abs[k][l], temp * pes.s_abs[k][l], temp * pes.qs_abs[k][l], pes.g_abs[k][l], pes.qhg_abs[k][l]] else: species = [pes.spc_abs[k][l], pes.e_abs[k][l], pes.zpe_abs[k][l], pes.h_abs[k][l], temp * pes.s_abs[k][l], temp * pes.qs_abs[k][l], pes.g_abs[k][l], pes.qhg_abs[k][l]] relative = [species[x] - zero_vals[x] for x in range(len(zero_vals))] e_sum += math.exp(-relative[1] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / temp) h_sum += math.exp(-relative[3] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / temp) g_sum += math.exp(-relative[7] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / temp) qhg_sum += math.exp(-relative[8] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / temp) if options.spc is False: log.write("\n " + '{:<40}'.format("RXN: " + path + " (" + pes.units + ") at T: " + str(temp))) if options.QH and options.cosmo_int: log.write('{:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} ' '{:>13}'.format(" DE", "DZPE", "DH", "qh-DH", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)", "qh-DG(T)", 'COSMO-qh-G(T)'), thermodata=True) elif options.QH: log.write('{:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>13} ' '{:>13}'.format(" DE", "DZPE", "DH", "qh-DH", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)", "qh-DG(T)"), thermodata=True) elif options.cosmo_int: log.write('{:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>13} ' '{:>13}'.format(" DE", "DZPE", "DH", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)", "qh-DG(T)", 'COSMO-qh-G(T)'), thermodata=True) else: log.write('{:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>13} ' '{:>13}'.format(" DE", "DZPE", "DH", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)", "qh-DG(T)"), thermodata=True) else: log.write("\n " + '{:<40}'.format("RXN: " + path + " (" + pes.units + ") at T: " + str(temp))) if options.QH and options.cosmo_int: log.write('{:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>14} {:>14} {:>14}'.format( " DE_SPC", "DE", "DZPE", "DH_SPC", "qh-DH_SPC", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)_SPC", "qh-DG(T)_SPC", 'COSMO-qh-G(T)_SPC'), thermodata=True) elif options.QH: log.write('{:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>14} ' '{:>14}'.format(" DE_SPC", "DE", "DZPE", "DH_SPC", "qh-DH_SPC", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)_SPC", "qh-DG(T)_SPC"), thermodata=True) elif options.cosmo_int: log.write('{:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>14} ' '{:>14}'.format(" DE_SPC", "DE", "DZPE", "DH_SPC", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)_SPC", "qh-DG(T)_SPC", 'COSMO-qh-G(T)_SPC'), thermodata=True) else: log.write('{:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>14} ' '{:>14}'.format(" DE_SPC", "DE", "DZPE", "DH_SPC", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)_SPC", "qh-DG(T)_SPC"), thermodata=True) log.write("\n" + stars) for l, e_abs in enumerate(pes.e_abs[k]): if options.QH: species = [pes.spc_abs[k][l], pes.e_abs[k][l], pes.zpe_abs[k][l], pes.h_abs[k][l], pes.qh_abs[k][l], temp * pes.s_abs[k][l], temp * pes.qs_abs[k][l], pes.g_abs[k][l], pes.qhg_abs[k][l]] else: species = [pes.spc_abs[k][l], pes.e_abs[k][l], pes.zpe_abs[k][l], pes.h_abs[k][l], temp * pes.s_abs[k][l], temp * pes.qs_abs[k][l], pes.g_abs[k][l], pes.qhg_abs[k][l]] if options.cosmo_int: species.append(pes.cosmo_qhg_abs[k][l]) relative = [species[x] - zero_vals[x] for x in range(len(zero_vals))] if pes.units == 'kJ/mol': formatted_list = [J_TO_AU / 1000.0 * x for x in relative] else: formatted_list = [KCAL_TO_AU * x for x in relative] # Defaults to kcal/mol log.write("\no ") if options.spc is False: formatted_list = formatted_list[1:] format_1 = '{:<39} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} ' \ '{:13.1f} {:13.1f}' format_2 = '{:<39} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} ' \ '{:13.2f} {:13.2f}' if options.QH and options.cosmo_int: if pes.dec == 1: log.write(format_1.format(pes.species[k][l], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) if pes.dec == 2: log.write(format_2.format(pes.species[k][l], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) elif options.QH or options.cosmo_int: if pes.dec == 1: log.write(format_1.format(pes.species[k][l], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) if pes.dec == 2: log.write(format_2.format(pes.species[k][l], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) else: if pes.dec == 1: log.write(format_1.format(pes.species[k][l], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) if pes.dec == 2: log.write(format_2.format(pes.species[k][l], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) else: if options.QH and options.cosmo_int: if pes.dec == 1: log.write('{:<39} {:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:10.1f} ' '{:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:13.1f}'.format(pes.species[k][l], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) if pes.dec == 2: log.write('{:<39} {:13.1f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f}'.format( pes.species[k][l], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) elif options.QH or options.cosmo_int: if pes.dec == 1: log.write('{:<39} {:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} {:13.1f}'.format( pes.species[k][l], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) if pes.dec == 2: log.write('{:<39} {:13.1f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f}'.format( pes.species[k][l], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) else: if pes.dec == 1: log.write('{:<39} {:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} {:13.1f}'.format( pes.species[k][l], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) if pes.dec == 2: log.write('{:<39} {:13.2f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f}'.format( pes.species[k][l], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) if pes.boltz: boltz = [math.exp(-relative[1] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / options.temperature) / e_sum, math.exp(-relative[3] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / options.temperature) / h_sum, math.exp(-relative[6] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / options.temperature) / g_sum, math.exp(-relative[7] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / options.temperature) / qhg_sum] selectivity = [boltz[x] * 100.0 for x in range(len(boltz))] log.write("\n " + '{:<39} {:13.2f}%{:24.2f}%{:35.2f}%{:13.2f}%'.format('', *selectivity)) sels.append(selectivity) formatted_list = [round(formatted_list[x], 6) for x in range(len(formatted_list))] if pes.boltz == 'ee' and len(sels) == 2: ee = [sels[0][x] - sels[1][x] for x in range(len(sels[0]))] if options.spc is False: log.write("\n" + stars + "\n " + '{:<39} {:13.1f}%{:24.1f}%{:35.1f}%{:13.1f}%'.format('ee (%)', *ee)) else: log.write("\n" + stars + "\n " + '{:<39} {:27.1f} {:24.1f} {:35.1f} {:13.1f} '.format('ee (%)', *ee)) log.write("\n" + stars + "\n") j += 1 else: if options.cosmo: pes = get_pes(options.pes, thermo_data, log, options.temperature, options.gconf, options.QH, cosmo=True) else: pes = get_pes(options.pes, thermo_data, log, options.temperature, options.gconf, options.QH) # Output the relative energy data for i, path in enumerate(pes.path): if options.QH: zero_vals = [pes.spc_zero[i][0], pes.e_zero[i][0], pes.zpe_zero[i][0], pes.h_zero[i][0], pes.qh_zero[i][0], options.temperature * pes.ts_zero[i][0], options.temperature * pes.qhts_zero[i][0], pes.g_zero[i][0], pes.qhg_zero[i][0]] else: zero_vals = [pes.spc_zero[i][0], pes.e_zero[i][0], pes.zpe_zero[i][0], pes.h_zero[i][0], options.temperature * pes.ts_zero[i][0], options.temperature * pes.qhts_zero[i][0], pes.g_zero[i][0], pes.qhg_zero[i][0]] if options.cosmo: zero_vals.append(pes.cosmo_qhg_zero[i][0]) if pes.boltz: e_sum, h_sum, g_sum, qhg_sum, cosmo_qhg_sum = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 sels = [] for j, e_abs in enumerate(pes.e_abs[i]): if options.QH: species = [pes.spc_abs[i][j], pes.e_abs[i][j], pes.zpe_abs[i][j], pes.h_abs[i][j], pes.qh_abs[i][j], options.temperature * pes.s_abs[i][j], options.temperature * pes.qs_abs[i][j], pes.g_abs[i][j], pes.qhg_abs[i][j]] else: species = [pes.spc_abs[i][j], pes.e_abs[i][j], pes.zpe_abs[i][j], pes.h_abs[i][j], options.temperature * pes.s_abs[i][j], options.temperature * pes.qs_abs[i][j], pes.g_abs[i][j], pes.qhg_abs[i][j]] if options.cosmo: species.append(pes.cosmo_qhg_abs[i][j]) relative = [species[x] - zero_vals[x] for x in range(len(zero_vals))] e_sum += math.exp(-relative[1] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / options.temperature) h_sum += math.exp(-relative[3] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / options.temperature) g_sum += math.exp(-relative[7] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / options.temperature) qhg_sum += math.exp(-relative[8] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / options.temperature) cosmo_qhg_sum += math.exp(-relative[9] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / options.temperature) if options.spc is False: log.write("\n " + '{:<40}'.format("RXN: " + path + " (" + pes.units + ") ", )) if options.QH and options.cosmo: log.write('{:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} ' '{:>13}'.format(" DE", "DZPE", "DH", "qh-DH", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)", "qh-DG(T)", 'COSMO-qh-G(T)'), thermodata=True) elif options.QH: log.write('{:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>13} ' '{:>13}'.format(" DE", "DZPE", "DH", "qh-DH", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)", "qh-DG(T)"), thermodata=True) elif options.cosmo: log.write('{:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>13} ' '{:>13}'.format(" DE", "DZPE", "DH", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)", "qh-DG(T)", 'COSMO-qh-G(T)'), thermodata=True) else: log.write('{:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>13} ' '{:>13}'.format(" DE", "DZPE", "DH", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)", "qh-DG(T)"), thermodata=True) else: log.write("\n " + '{:<40}'.format("RXN: " + path + " (" + pes.units + ") ", )) if options.QH and options.cosmo: log.write('{:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>14} {:>14} ' '{:>14}'.format(" DE_SPC", "DE", "DZPE", "DH_SPC", "qh-DH_SPC", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)_SPC", "qh-DG(T)_SPC", 'COSMO-qh-G(T)_SPC'), thermodata=True) elif options.QH: log.write('{:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>14} ' '{:>14}'.format(" DE_SPC", "DE", "DZPE", "DH_SPC", "qh-DH_SPC", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)_SPC", "qh-DG(T)_SPC"), thermodata=True) elif options.cosmo: log.write('{:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>14} ' '{:>14}'.format(" DE_SPC", "DE", "DZPE", "DH_SPC", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)_SPC", "qh-DG(T)_SPC", 'COSMO-qh-G(T)_SPC'), thermodata=True) else: log.write('{:>13} {:>13} {:>10} {:>13} {:>10} {:>10} {:>14} ' '{:>14}'.format(" DE_SPC", "DE", "DZPE", "DH_SPC", "T.DS", "T.qh-DS", "DG(T)_SPC", "qh-DG(T)_SPC"), thermodata=True) log.write("\n" + stars) for j, e_abs in enumerate(pes.e_abs[i]): if options.QH: species = [pes.spc_abs[i][j], pes.e_abs[i][j], pes.zpe_abs[i][j], pes.h_abs[i][j], pes.qh_abs[i][j], options.temperature * pes.s_abs[i][j], options.temperature * pes.qs_abs[i][j], pes.g_abs[i][j], pes.qhg_abs[i][j]] else: species = [pes.spc_abs[i][j], pes.e_abs[i][j], pes.zpe_abs[i][j], pes.h_abs[i][j], options.temperature * pes.s_abs[i][j], options.temperature * pes.qs_abs[i][j], pes.g_abs[i][j], pes.qhg_abs[i][j]] if options.cosmo: species.append(pes.cosmo_qhg_abs[i][j]) relative = [species[x] - zero_vals[x] for x in range(len(zero_vals))] if pes.units == 'kJ/mol': formatted_list = [J_TO_AU / 1000.0 * x for x in relative] else: formatted_list = [KCAL_TO_AU * x for x in relative] # Defaults to kcal/mol log.write("\no ") if options.spc is False: formatted_list = formatted_list[1:] if options.QH and options.cosmo: if pes.dec == 1: log.write('{:<39} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} ' '{:13.1f} {:13.1f}'.format(pes.species[i][j], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) if pes.dec == 2: log.write('{:<39} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} ' '{:13.2f} {:13.2f}'.format(pes.species[i][j], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) elif options.QH or options.cosmo: if pes.dec == 1: log.write('{:<39} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} ' '{:13.1f}'.format(pes.species[i][j], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) if pes.dec == 2: log.write('{:<39} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} ' '{:13.2f}'.format(pes.species[i][j], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) else: if pes.dec == 1: log.write('{:<39} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} ' '{:13.1f}'.format(pes.species[i][j], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) if pes.dec == 2: log.write('{:<39} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} ' '{:13.2f}'.format(pes.species[i][j], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) else: if options.QH and options.cosmo: if pes.dec == 1: log.write('{:<39} {:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:10.1f} ' '{:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:13.1f}'.format(pes.species[i][j], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) if pes.dec == 2: log.write('{:<39} {:13.1f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:10.2f} ' '{:13.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f}'.format(pes.species[i][j], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) elif options.QH or options.cosmo: if pes.dec == 1: log.write('{:<39} {:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:10.1f} ' '{:13.1f} {:13.1f}'.format(pes.species[i][j], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) if pes.dec == 2: log.write('{:<39} {:13.1f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:10.2f} ' '{:13.2f} {:13.2f}'.format(pes.species[i][j], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) else: if pes.dec == 1: log.write('{:<39} {:13.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} {:10.1f} {:10.1f} {:13.1f} ' '{:13.1f}'.format(pes.species[i][j], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) if pes.dec == 2: log.write('{:<39} {:13.2f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} {:10.2f} {:10.2f} {:13.2f} ' '{:13.2f}'.format(pes.species[i][j], *formatted_list), thermodata=True) if pes.boltz: boltz = [math.exp(-relative[1] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / options.temperature) / e_sum, math.exp(-relative[3] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / options.temperature) / h_sum, math.exp(-relative[6] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / options.temperature) / g_sum, math.exp(-relative[7] * J_TO_AU / GAS_CONSTANT / options.temperature) / qhg_sum] selectivity = [boltz[x] * 100.0 for x in range(len(boltz))] log.write("\n " + '{:<39} {:13.2f}%{:24.2f}%{:35.2f}%{:13.2f}%'.format('', *selectivity)) sels.append(selectivity) formatted_list = [round(formatted_list[x], 6) for x in range(len(formatted_list))] if pes.boltz == 'ee' and len(sels) == 2: ee = [sels[0][x] - sels[1][x] for x in range(len(sels[0]))] if options.spc is False: log.write("\n" + stars + "\n " + '{:<39} {:13.1f}%{:24.1f}%{:35.1f}%{:13.1f}%'.format('ee (%)', *ee)) else: log.write("\n" + stars + "\n " + '{:<39} {:27.1f} {:24.1f} {:35.1f} {:13.1f} '.format('ee (%)', *ee)) log.write("\n" + stars + "\n") # Compute enantiomeric excess if is not False: selec_stars = " " + '*' * 109 boltz_facs, weighted_free_energy, boltz_sum = get_boltz(files, thermo_data, clustering, clusters, options.temperature, dup_list) ee, er, ratio, dd_free_energy, failed, preference = get_selectivity(, files, boltz_facs, boltz_sum, options.temperature, log, dup_list) if not failed: log.write("\n " + '{:<39} {:>13} {:>13} {:>13} {:>13} {:>13}'.format("Selectivity", "Excess (%)", "Ratio (%)", "Ratio", "Major Iso", "ddG"), thermodata=True) log.write("\n" + selec_stars) log.write('\no {:<40} {:13.2f} {:>13} {:>13} {:>13} {:13.2f}'.format('', ee, er, ratio, preference, dd_free_energy), thermodata=True) log.write("\n" + selec_stars + "\n") # Graph reaction profiles if options.graph is not False: try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: log.write("\n\n Warning! matplotlib module is not installed, reaction profile will not be graphed.") log.write("\n To install matplotlib, run the following commands: \n\t python -m pip install -U pip" + "\n\t python -m pip install -U matplotlib\n\n") for key in thermo_data: if not hasattr(thermo_data[key], "qh_gibbs_free_energy"): pes_error = "\nWarning! Could not find thermodynamic data for " + key + "\n" sys.exit(pes_error) if not hasattr(thermo_data[key], "sp_energy") and options.spc is not False: pes_error = "\nWarning! Could not find thermodynamic data for " + key + "\n" sys.exit(pes_error) graph_data = get_pes(options.graph, thermo_data, log, options.temperature, options.gconf, options.QH) graph_reaction_profile(graph_data, log, options, plt) # Close the log log.finalize() if xyz.finalize()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()